I try to keep things real. You know, a messy clean, comfortable and simple. I enjoy simplicity.
You may not think blogging about what Joey got stuck up his nose this afternoon is relevant or influential, but it is good stuff. Believe me, someday you'll remember that lady's blog you read once whose kid liked to eat chocolate syrup and parmesan cheese for lunch, and think, wow...that kid was inspiring.
for real. you might.
So we've all established that my days aren't full of things that lift and inspire and motivate and make a difference and change the world and yooey whooey.
I'm common. and I like common. I'm comfortable with common.
But for real...
sometimes don't you wanna just be deep and intriguing? Don't you want to go volunteer at a free clinic across the ocean somewhere? It'd be nice to be the queen of something, like a parade. Someday I'd like to blog about the barn I built by myself out of reclaimed wood I hauled from a historic farm in Virginia, or about that huge race I just ran in my awesome umbros without throwing up. I'm not complaining, I just want to be the mayor. just sometimes. For a minute.
So I sit down and try to be intelligent. uh...
I know I have something profound to share.
I'm totally interesting. I know it.
Shouldn't I have a penetrating, thought provoking moment to exploit?
Can't I just pretend to be entirely captivating and have really real exciting experiences to pretend to be humble about?
Couldn't we all just decide my mundane is awesome
; couldn't someone just ask me to be a
Mormon Message already?
but alas...
look at the awesome artichoke lamp I got for 30 bucks!
that's all I've got.
In all actuality, I'd probably turn down the parade invitation. But thanks anyways.
My name's Cally.
I'm a wife and a mom.
I live a wonderfully common life,
I have a green artichoke lamp,
And I'm a Mormon.