

I use a blog to put the things I love. I used to worry about boring my family with all my pictures and frivolity, so I started this new blog so those who like what I love, can come here. I will still post family stuff on the vox site. {no I won't}

this is me:

i love: colors, fabric, paint, patterns, parmesan cheese, sparkling grape juice, music that gives you goosebumps, photos, antique stores, organization, words, trees, mountains, pussywillows, sleep (i'll visit it again someday), organized chaos, smallville, lee's creek, pyrex, kids books, ballet, etceteras, and my kids big eyes.

i would prefer not to have lunch with: cliches.

i would like to know more about: photography, current affairs, patience and heritage.

I pretend to know a little about: dance parties, doodles, design, and dinner.

I know quite a bit about: daydreaming and diapers.

If i wouldn't have been a lazy teenager i would've: tried harder & worked harder to be good at something & to attend a school of dance or design; not cared what people thought of me; then come right back to now.

I love my kids because: they are strong survivors of craft neglect. and they are hilariously creative; not to mention smashingly cute.

i love my husband because: he smiles when i need him to, and lets me explore wife and motherhood with a good word when i mess up.

i would love to but will never have: a house that cleans itself.

i love the words: understand, simple, discombobulate, uber, okay.


Yo Mama said...

What do you mean no lunch with English majors?!

The Coatney's said...

love the new blog BUT English majors?!! My favorite person to have lunch with is an English Major. There is nobody more entertaining, understanding and selfless than my Katie Shafer. One would be lucky to have lunch with that English major. I'll skip the cliche's though!

Also, I love Kacie's shirt! Do you have an embroidery machine or do you do that by hand. Once again. You're amazing