
recycled magazine mobile.

My sister in law came over while I was figuring out how to make my magazine basket. She held up its beginnings and asked if I was making a mobile.

No...I said...wheels turning...but we totally could!
She's a genius.

So here it is.

Now comes the artistic trial and error segment.
Tie on buttons and your leftover magazine rolls for decoration. If you tie a button on one side, you need to add some smaller magazine rolls (or another button, or pompom, or whatever) to the other side. Keep cutting off one segment of the roll until it balances with the button.
Keep cutting and trimming ends until it hangs and twirls nicely.

Happy Weekend!

recycled magazine basket

My dad bought me a new phone (yippee). As a result, I needed a new basket to put by my new phone. I had seen one recently at Marshall's for $8 that I examined carefully; taking it apart in my brain to figure out how they did it. So I decided to save the $8 and the trip back to Marshall's and make my own. It totally worked and I love it.

I didn't take pictures along the way because, frankly, I wasn't sure it would work.

But you can follow this tutorial from HowAboutOrange.
Here and Here.

I used my sewing machine instead of glue or staples like she did. But I think it would be a lot easier her way. duh. I also painted mine with ModPodge since it's in the kitchen and I wanted it to be semi-water resistant.

Check out these other recycled magazine crafts:

very cool.


Aunt Katie's sweet.

One time, Aunt Katie sent Jake a postcard from Serendipity in NY.

Jake became obsessed with the place. And more specifically, the frozen hot chocolate.

One time, Jake stayed up way too late, and I yelled...uh...spoke loudly at him to turn off his light and go to bed. Then he handed me an incredibly sweet and witty letter he had been writing to his Aunt Katie about frozen hot chocolates. And the word serendipity. And how he wanted to be a librarian and have a huge library in NY. I kissed him goodnight, and we mailed the letter in the morning.

One time, soon after, Jake got a Serendipity Frozen Hot Chocolate in the mail. And it was the most yummiest happy discovery we've ever made!

Some time, I think I'll write Aunt Katie my own letter. I like Crumbs. And RicePuddnig.


Kitschy Digitals Vinyl Frame Decals

Danielle Thompson of KitschyDigitals has created these beautiful full color vinyl frame decals, and I love them. She is doing a pre-order right now, and you only have 2 more days to get yours! They are very reasonably priced, I think, for vinyl cuts of actual photographs she's taken of vintage frames. You can also get flat cut frames, like the green one in the first photo.
We're going to sell our house soon and build on our land, so I didn't want to buy them now and not be able to take them with me to the new cool house. But I don't want to wait. I'm ordering 3, and keeping them safe in the closet until I have a new wall to put them on.
I'm excited. For the frames, and the house.



I'm pretty sure I'm totally in love with him.

When I'm staring at him with sore cheeks admiring his humble hilarious story-telling, and he lets me tell the punch-line because he knows I love a crowd.

When I'm sure I've used the wrong cliche in a horribly destructive way, and he's watching the road with a huge grin and I know he's not laughing at the asphault. He just keeps driving, and smiling, because he thinks it's cute. How I slaughter the English language in embarrassing ways.

When he talks about fabric.

Or when he lets me take a nap on Fathers Day.

When he gives me the last mango popsicle. His favorite.

When he tells me what's going on at work, and I have no idea what he's talking about but I love looking at the gap between his teeth when he says the word deadline.

And when he watches Food Network with me. Or validates my ridiculous commentary on the Lakers game. Or acts impressed, again, when I tell him, again, how I danced at a Nuggets game half-time.

When he dives hard to catch my pretend curve ball.

It's when he looks at me. Like I'm the most perfect thing on Earth; knowing better than anyone I'm not.

I'm pretty sure I'm really totally in love with him.

It's when he carries them to bed, holds their hands at the park, wrestles them silly, has "classified" conversations with them, puts their cranky needs first, pays them 10cents for every weed they pull, talks about their talents instead of mistakes, laughs at their tantrums,
and looks at them like they're the most perfect things on Earth; knowing they're not yet.

I'm pretty sure he's really totally in love with us.

And that pretty much makes him perfect.


Whatever. by Meg Duersken

I came to the computer for bizness purposes, and I was somehow crazily un-biznessly led to this blog. I don't know how I got here. but I can't stop.

I am in love with her house.
I think she's going to invite me over soon.

And her photography.
And check out her 365. Color and life everywhere.

I'd like to live in her blog. Or just her house.

I'm going to pack.


pink tuxedo dress.

I love this dress.

eliott's green apple peasant dress.

I love my niece. And I love these colors.

what a great week.


taking a grandpa break.

Grandpa D. drove down from Canada for a week. So we're playing, eh?

Be back on Thursday, or so.

If I live through the giganto box of Canadian candy bars I will be consuming this weekend. Thanks Dad.


LindsayJane Photography by Andrea.

I've dreamed of this.

Gorgeous photos. Hot husband. Beautiful kids. Trees. Colors. Gorgeous photos.

I couldn't even pick which ones I loved the most to show you! I love every single one. Go look, for real. The black and white one with the kids and the balloons in the field?! Holy moly, I love it. And us on my Grandma's blanket under our tree?! So, so perfect.

Andrea Larsen.
in the Nashville area.

i'm so happy.


summer = soda.

It's summer. Which means treats. Which equals soda.

Because all your dreams come true in the summer.


lickin' the bowl.

happy weekend.



There's someone out there who could make this cool.

It's not me.

People would whisper. Or look at my neck and say, "Uh...why do you have a purple hotdog on your neck?" And I'd say, "Because I'm cool. And cool people can wear hotdogs on their neck." And they'd say, "That's creepy weird." And then I'd know I wasn't really cool, and my mom lied to me. Because if I was real live cool for real they'd say, "I love your purple hotdog. You are so cool." And I'd laugh because real live cool people don't even know they're super cool; they just wear purple processed animal guts with ketchup to be funny. But it's cool.

The irony.

Dani just saw the hot dog and said, "That's awesome."
She is so cool.


variation on the ruffle theme.

So I bought this red shirt for $4 at Old Navy. I loved the color and the stripes, but it was too long and boring. So I ruffled it.

Now it's totally worth the $4 I could have bought two bags of Oreos with.

Ruffles are the new oreos.


Cathe Holden blog gadgets.

Tap your heels together three times, whisper sentiments of virtual goodness, then click on the fancy JSIM gadget and all your bloggy bling dreams will come true.

I love this lady. I admit it freely.

Dani Land.

Never, no never, throw away a shoebox (or any such garbage). This is blasphemy in Dani Land.

In Dani Land, it is not enough to play. One must make a world. Then, and only then, play may commence.