You don't eat green bananas.
Try explaining that to a two year old.
And you get the banana tantrum.

The lamp ended up on the floor and we spent a good amount of time talking about appropriate ways to express our frustrations. Which doesn't include knocking over semi-expensive home decor.
Try explaining that to a two year old.
Well, if you figure out how to explain it to a two year old, please let me know. Problem is, Connor wants the bananas AT the store. I try explaining that he can't have it until the lady weighs it.....hmmmm....try explaining that to a two year old! haha!
Thats Aweosme!
So------what your saying is I shouldn't knock over furniture when I get mad. DANG!!!!
I think I would have just given her the green banana and let her find out for herself.
At least that would save me some grief if I was the Mom... but I am not... so I am proud of you having the patience to try and explain it.
YOu know, I thought of that Sheila. But I didn't want to waste a perfectly good ripening banana. That's throwing away a whole 53 cents.
And I said no.
Love the walls! She is so funny. Before you know it you'll be wishing the 'tantrums', vocal or silent, were over green bananas.
You're a good mom! xoxoxox
How's the lamp? The lamp okay?
Brody's latest is getting frustrated at the table and sending his plate and accompanying stain-filled food EVERYWHERE. Often. We are working on it. Good luck with lamp training!
I totally understand this. My first child never had this problem, but my how my 2 year old little girl has thrown me for a loop! Everything is "I do it!"
The lamp is okay. It's a Target toughy.
Trying to reason with a two year old never works!
Good thing my two year old only goes through this...
one a week! j/k
so much fun!
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