So I've seen a ton of baby legs tutorials on the web lately. It's such a cool alternative when you can get awesome socks for $2 a piece. And EASY! Seriously guys.
Here we go:

Then I had these footies left over. I used 'em to practice the ruffle edge thing (there's a technical name for that ruffle, but I have no idea what it is).

Here's another super easy tutorial without a sewing machine from little birdie secrets. She uses them as arm warmers...very cool.
Happy Weekend. Go buy some socks. Target has a way cute 3 pack for $6.99 right now. Go, Go!
NOW I know why you didn't call me today. You didn't get bored...you productive little creator you.
Ok, so now tell me how to NOT get the ruffle. I have a little boy you see, and he may not look as cute as Kacie in ruffles!! Thx!
SO darling.
I could have used some of these or just a plain old package of socks from Target today...I was packing up the girls to go to grammy's for a few nights and had ONLY 5 pairs of clean folded socks.
I had to go out and search for more among my 8 loads of unfolded wrinkling laundry....
and I really just kept considering stopping by the store and buying some more on our way to meet up with grammy.
My only issue with these CUTEST ever baby legs is getting shoes all stinky...any suggestions?
Crystal...check out the link to little birdie secrets. She just hand sews under the cut edge and it gives it a flat, normal looking bottom without the ruffle, and without a bulky cuff.
Alice...I have no remedy to un-stinkify shoes. Gold Bond?
Corrie...I didn't call you...because...uh...I made baby legs AND blue dawned my shower doors. *MIRACLE* (sing that word as if a choir of heavenly angels serenading the no scum in my shower).
Cassy...oh wait...where's Cassy...hello? Cassy? This was for you leggie girl. Are you on your way to my house to make leg's with me?.....Cassy?
shucks. she's ignoring me.
As a poor student's wife, a newbie to sewing, and as a nerd that has entered way to many Baby Legs giveaways in hopes of winning, I am way excited for this little tutorial! They are way cute and I think I'll give them a try over the weekend.
I'm so glad you posted this! I saw the tutorial on Flikr, but I don't know how to sew very well, so I was intimidated. I think I could do this one, though. Thanks!
For being so dang craft-tastic!
yeah, you got the lines on the blog! Did you look up code? or do you have a simpler solution you can share?
thanks cally... looks so fun. i made the arm warmers from the birds, but the edges bugged me! these are adorable! (and, love the baggy panties!)
i love baby legs without creative awesome 'leg warmers'...
but I love them so much more your way CaLLy.
Ooooh,thanks for sharing! We've managed to lose one half of each pair of baby legs around here...I never even thought of making our own!
HOLY COW you're CLEVER! Love it and might even try it myself :)
Once again --brillance emits from you. I love it. I got the soccer bag and recipe holders in the mail this week LOVE THEM!!!!!! Can't wait to give them to my girls. love ya
oh wow. How super cool are these! I totally need to try this!!!!
<3 B
Probably a dumb question -- are you using adult socks or kiddie socks?
how cute are those....hmm, might try them myself too.
hugs Patsi
hey Angie...I used adult socks. They were an impulse buy...they grabbed my shirt as I walked by the end of the aisle they were decorating and I couldn't get them to let go of me. I told them kindly, "You are attractive, I admit it, I'm drawn to you, but I don't need strawbery socks." Then they squealed, "but we're baby legs!" Convincing arguement. So I took them home.
cute I don't sew but my mother in law does I already have her making my girls summer dresses so what are a couple of socks on top of my order really going to do, I am so tired of the winter clothes and want the skirts without the footed stockings, so you have come to the rescue!!
That's a great idea! I made some leg warmers for my Grace, but didn't do the fancy stitch at the bottom. Very nice.
haha.. I bought those same socks and did baby legs with them before i read you blog!! don't you just love target... oh well I guess you do since that's what I read on your first blog.
Okay, so I finally got around to making these! Target actually had them on clearance- 4.88 for a three pack. I practiced on the ruffle thing but mine are definitely not as cute as yours. I'll keep practicing though. Did you pull the sock tight and then loose at parts or kept it really tight the whole time?
made them. love them.
thanks for the idea. they make me smile.
Danielle...I stretch the sock pretty evenly the whole time. Good luck!
I've never seen the ruffle now THAT is cute! It is so hard to find cute socks for under $5 here in Canada though. Thanks for the info!
awesome! i LOVE THE ruffle. I am featuring this at somedaycrafts.blogspot.com. Grab my "featured" button.
This has to be the best and easiest baby legs tute I have ever seen! I couldn't resist adding this to our link luv roundup today.
These are AdoRabLe!! Thanks so much for the tutorial! I made some and they turned out great! Thanks again!!
Wow. These are so awesome and I am completely addicted to making them now.
I'm also going to use my big girl's tights with holes in them, cut them up and sew them together into tinier babylegs for my little girl.
Wow thanks! I just made some of these today and I l.o.v.e them. Really. Thanks! Now if only our Target would get more cute sock options.
Thanks for the tutorial! For a novice sewer you take the intimidation out of it! Way excited to go get some socks!
So cute! I am filing this away at thecraftersfilebox.blogspot.com.
Thanks so much for sharing!
This is brilliant! I just started making mine with a cuff but now I have to try this too! Thanks for sharing! Also, love how you used the left over footies!
Ooh, those are so cute! I love the little lettuce edging you did at the bottom. I'm having a hard time finding cute socks though. :/
Oh my. Those ruffles are just too cute. Adding this to my list of projects for sure!
Thank you! I came across your blog randomly and was so excited about this cute idea that I went straight to Target and bought 6 pairs of socks. It is exactly what I need for my 10 month old little peanut. Thank you Thank you!
Thank you so much for sharing such a great idea. I need these for my beautiful grandaughter Harper. she is really trying to move around a lot now. so these would be great for her.
Denton, TX
The ruffle is called a "lettuce edge." Love these legwarmers! Too bad my girlies are no longer babies :o( I will just have to make them for someone else's baby.
Thank you for posting this tutorial. I made some for my daughter tonight, and they turned out so cute! Once I practiced a little bit, the project was a cinch!
Thanks so much for this tutorial! This was my very first sewing project and the leggings turned out great. I got carried away and made four or five pairs for my little niece. :) I'm linking up at http://coffeecupsandcrafts.blogspot.com. :)
Okay, so I found this after I did something different, but now I am going to have to try this next time. Because you know there will be a next time. I added you as a suggestion for people to use the tutorial you made up on my blog. Thanks for putting your tutorial on your blog. CUTE!!! http://craftsredesigned.blogspot.com/
First of all I found your blog through the Kids Clothes Week Challenge blog. And I have to tell you that tonight was the first time I ever, looked at a tutorial and actually did it. Everybody in my house is in bed, but I grabbed a pair of christmas socks from last year and now baby girl has baby legs! Thanks for the easy instructions!
Tried it and I love it! Thanks!
How do you get the material to not roll up on the cut edge mine are looking to sloppy
How do you keep you bottom edges from rolling up?
Sometimes mine roll up if I have cheap socks or if I did my zigzag too loose. Try doing a tighter and wider zigzag closer in on the sock (not right on the edge) and cut off the left overs close to your stitching. Or just press them well with your iron.
I hope this helps!
I LOVE this tutorial. I posted a link to your tutorial on my Blog http://mommyseverydaylife.blogspot.com/2010/11/feelin-crafty-friday-day-late.html Mine did not turn out as ruffled as yours but I still love them. Come check them out. ( let me know if you have any pointers for me! hehe)
Just a thought, and I'm not overly crafty so I'm not sure if it would even work, but maybe you could sew a small piece of elastic into the left over foot part of that sock and make them some little baby mittens. The kind to keep a newborn from scratching themselves... maybe.
good idea!
thanks for this super easy and quick tutorial!
I made these for my girl last night in less than 10 minutes and she looks adorable in her rainbow stripes today.
made them, love them... here's a peak
This is by far the best and cutest tutorial I have seen for making these! I found you through pinterest. Thanks for the fun idea! I am excited to give it a try!
Would the size of the sock be whatever sock size the child wears usually?
No, buy adult or teen socks. They are long enough and still fit tight around the baby's legs. Since you cut off the feet it doesn't really matter what size they are.
Yay! Thank you, love this! I am seriously going to make like a gazillion pairs! I just made a pair of halloween baby legs with socks I got from Target last year for like 50 cents (after halloween sale!) I used the bottom of the socks to make ruffled socks for my other daughter! Yay! So excited! TY!
You could use the extra ends as mittens for when baby is a newborn and still scratching their face.
What a great tutorial! I made a pair out of an unused pair of Christmas socks for my 6 week old daughter and they turned out super cute (especially paired with a pair of Trumpette socks)
So cute. I've been crocheting around the edges to keep them from raveling (one of my granddtrs told me that she and her cousin both needed some leg warmers!) I am going to try this next. I found red, pink and grey striped from the clearance at walmart for after Christmas. Thinking Valentines day!
i am going to make some of these for my new baby for sure. another thing i do is cut the feet off leggings (tights) that my older girls have outgrown(or worn out in the feet) and stitch the ends. they make great feetless leggings. great for under little dresses or pants when it's a little too cool to go barelegged or you need an extra layer.
Thanks for the great tutorial! I have a little boy and would like to avoid the "lettuce edge" he is handsome but I think ruffles might be a bit much for him. :) Any suggestions on how to avoid them?
My first ever sewing project on the sewing machine I got for my birthday - so cute!!! Thanks!
Im getting a sewing machine just so i can make these, i never sewed before, but i crochet and knit and making knit legwarmers takes forever! these are so freaking cute!! awesome idea and awesome idea on what to do with the left over foot part of the sock, i really like the lil doll type thing!
If you wanted to make them for boys, I wonder if you used a stabilizer, like water soluble interfacing, to sew on the inside of the sock edge if the ruffle would not be so evident. When you wash the item the water soluble stuff disappears. You might also try using a strip of cotton or flat ribbon on the inside.
Can't wait to to Target to get some for my Granddaughter to this. They are so cute! Thanks for the tutorial!!
So cute! The zigzag edge to make the rubble on the knit is called the lettuce leaf finish. I've used it on wovens (crossways grain works best) too., although not as ruffle as knits.
For boys, use a double needle and a hem 1/2" and sew without stretching.
FYI: That cute little ruffle finish is called a "lettuce edge." I love the name and thought you might too. It is so called because it resemble the curly edge of some types of lettuce. :)
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