

I don't bake very well. No surprise. I have wonderful intentions, and good ideas, but they don't evolve into success.

This is cupcake week on Martha Stewart (I don't really watch the show, just watch clips occasionally, and I'm loving this weeks clips). She has been featuring beautifully delicious cupcakes all week. Like this Meyer Lemon-Raspberry Cupcake...

Or these Corn-on-the-Cob Cupcakes...

I am jealous of those, like Katie, who can make delicious treats, that look beautiful. I extended this invitation to those who know baking bliss, to enter the Martha Stewart Cutest Cupcake contest, because I'm in love with cupcake week, yet I know my limits.

Well...I couldn't sleep last night, designing cupcakes. I just can't let go. So I threw my "limits" away, and made some cupcakes today. Granted, they aren't Martha Stewart Cutest Cupcake standards, and they aren't anything like what I had in my head...we made cute cupcakes. And we had fun. Being good at something isn't the point, eh?

What started out as a challenge to prove a point to myself turned out to be a hilarious afternoon eating icing with my kids. That's the point.

Now it's your turn; go make a point.


Unknown said...

Oh Cally..I have been holding on the fact that I can at least bake and decorate cakes better than you....I hope these tasted nasty because they are SOOOO cute...and totally your signature faces...how can you transfer your cute cartoon faces onto a pastry? Amazing!

ShEiLa said...

I just barely stumbled upon your blog... I love it!!! How talented are you. I love your cupcake designs. Keep up the good work!
-toodles- Sheila, NV

Lori said...

Cutey. Alice is right, those look like you picked up a pencil and just doodled right on the cupcakes. Glad you had a fun journey as well.