We picked up Andy from school and went to Hobby Lobby.
I overheard Joey whisper to Andy
that he had on 10 underwears.
So I checked him out, unbelieving,
and sure enough, he was padded.
Oh, the mysteries of the 4 year old thought process.
I dunno.
My sides hurt from laughing. My four year old also does odd things that just make me laugh...later on of course.
haha this is so cute!
Thwarting spanking. Preparing for a disaster. Making sure your sibs can't borrow your skivvies. There are so many reasons to wear 10 pairs of undies, I barely know where to start!
So funny.... I love it!
Haha! This is sooooo funny. Kids are hilarious! :)
oh kids. too cute. haha. i miss the show "kids say the darndest things" with bill cosby. the innocence of children...
Bahahahahaha! That's is hilarious! He just doesn't wanna be caught wearing dirty ones... <3 it!
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