
infant carseat blanket.

Jaclyn emailed me a while ago and asked if I knew of a pattern for a carseat blanket baby cover...thing. I needed clarification; so she sent me some pictures and I told her I have no idea where to find a pattern for that cool contraption, but who cares because we can figure it out!

My favorite. Figuring it out.

So may I attempt to explain in some sort of mildly understandable fashion how to make the lightweight infant carseat baby blanket cover to keep the wind out but you can still hold the handle...thing.

  • Cut out a piece of fabric measuring 42" x 50". {I didn't have one piece of fabric large enough, so I pieced mine together.}
  • Make it look like this:

  • Here are some measurements:

  • Make two straps in contrasting fabric using this tutorial, but measuring 5 1/2" x 2".
  • Sew them onto the top of your blanket 5" apart. I did three lines 1/4" apart to secure them real good.
  • {Because my blanket was pieced together, I had to add a bottom fabric to cover up my seams, which is why there are straight machine quilting lines in the picture below. You don't have to do this with one piece of fabric.}

  • Finish the edge of your blanket however you want. Some suggestions are a zig-zag stitch, serging, one straight stitch so it kinda frays {I like the fray}, quilt binding {which is what I used on this one}, ricrac, whatever!
  • And there you go. Jaclyn now has a nicely covered baby.


Mia said...

I love it when you figure it out!

Lori said...

Are you kidding me? I love this so much. Why do I love it so much? Our family will be carrier-free for the rest of forever starting in about two months...I don't need one. Maybe I just love the fabrics. And the free-style way you pieced them all together. Make me a quilt out of all of those fabrics, won't you? In your spare time?

Lindsey Rose said...

Do you remember that I am due in February?? Just thought I would remind you! he he!

Crystal Copeland said...

Wow, you made this look so easy! I want one.....ah-hm. I am due in April, ah-hm. haha.

AMBER said...

Love this I will use it on my next bonus baby if I get one. The two I have may be keepers we will see what the New year holds in store. We are praying for keepers!!Luv ya

Sharstin said...

I love those! I would never be able to make it. But the one you made is fab!

Megan said...

I bought the stuff to make one, & while my MIL was visiting she did it for me... but we just did a big rectangle of fabric... I am loving the more rounded corners to keep them off the ground for good. You managed to take something great & make it better!!
I may take mine apart & modify.

Suggestion... if you live anywhere windy (I live in Oklahoma) you WILL want to back this, possibly in something slightly heavy (I used corduroy) or even use a a single heavy fabric. That way it's weighted down a little better.

Emma said...

This is a big thing in utah they are at every trade show!! Way to go cally.

Your fabric of coarse is perfect!!!!

Wonder Woman said...

That is adorable. I think Iwant one in pink.

(I'm so happy I get say that!)

corrie said...

make it look like this. That's funny. That would be my level ability at a tutorial. Uh, just, uh, make it look like this.

Natalie said...

you're a genius!

cally said...

Good advice, Megan. With one thin piece of fabric, it's sure to blow around. I backed this one with white cotton, and I think the binding helps to weigh it down, too.

Thanks Megan!

Somer said...

Very nice.

David and Jaclyn said...

I love it Cally...you are amazing! Really! I can't wait for Reese to reap the benefits of your creativity!

Andi Kate, Children's Author said...

Ok. You can make me one of these. :)

Donna said...

Nice! It looks easy enough for ME to do. I'm totally link this if you don't mind.

Shannon said...

A lady in the grocery store asked me if I was sure my little guy was breathing 'cause the carseat was covered. Huh? Yes, I'm sure, thanks for your concern. ;) As usual your tutorial is so easy to follow and the result is exquisite. Mucho bueno!

Lynette said...

You could even put small weights in the corners of the binding...somehow...right? Just a thought. Love it! Too bad my babies are too old...and too young to be thinking about grandkids :)

Amanda said...

You're awesome!! I love your creativity. I hope you don't mind me looking in every now and again.

ps.We sang together a couple of years ago at that stake womens conference. I just thought I'd re-introduce so you're not all weirded out.

Renee said...

This is brilliant and yet another reason I love your blog! I'm going to try this. Thanks for the tutorial!

ShEiLa said...

This is such a cool idea.

And to think that as a young Mom I never had any of these luxuries.


Sewing-Chick said...

Sweetness! Absolute sweetness!

luv2stitch said...

You don't know me, but I am so excited I found this! I am glad there are people like you to figure this stuff out!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I am having my second "bonus" baby in february, and I am so making this, I love it, why couldn't someone have come up with this 14 years ago, lol!!

Yvette said...

Great job! I want to make some of these for a couple friends. The measurement next to the straps... does that say 25" or 2.5"? What's the total measurement across there?

Courtney said...

My favorite part about this is your "lassiez-faire" instructions (please forgive my horrible spelling). Drawings are something I can deal with :)

Rachel said...

Loved this - such a great idea!! I posted pics of my attempt on my blog with a link to yours. Thanks for sharing!


Decomom said...

I'm going to try this and I may use some waterproof fabric (oilcloth?) as an outerlayer for those snowy/rainy Michigan days! Love it!

Trina@CraftAnyway! said...

Thank you for the great tutorial! I made one as a shower gift for one of my good friends, which I blogged about today. You can check it out here:


I plan to make another for my best friend who's having a baby in February. Thank you, thank you!

Anonymous said...

So...I have a 2 month old and live in MN and need a car seat cover. I saw this pinned on Pinterest and just fell in love with the pattern. I am soo not crafty though, I noticed you sell on etsy. Would you consider making one? You can e-mail me at tracytjon@hotmail.com.

Thank you!!

Helen Handley said...

Thank you for this great tutorial. I adapted it to a no-sew version (machine was in the shop!) and linked back to your blog. Mine is not as beautiful as yours, but functional!!

Anne Dovel said...

Wonderful! Exactly what I was looking for!
Anne Dovel

Anonymous said...

Love your creation, though it's too late for me to use them on my children (now both adults). But... I am keeping this idea on my pinterest site for my hopefully "someday" grandchildren :) Thank you for sharing.

Brandee said...

Just made one for my soon-to-arrive new nephew. Thanks for the sketch!! Can't wait to try out some of your others!

Maranda said...

Oh my gosh!! I love it~

Yvette said...

great tutorial! i posted a link to this on my blog.


Aebrimer said...

I just made mine for our baby arriving later this year. Wish I knew how to post pictures. Thank you for this beautiful tutorial

Gabby said...

Question: Why are both sides not symmetrical? Would it mess it up if I did both sides 28 X 42??

cally said...

The back of the carseat is higher, so it needs more fabric for the blanket to drape all the way to the bottom of the seat. If you make the front of the blanket 28"-42" it will be bulky and drag on the ground when the carseat is set down. However, it all depends on your carseat I suppose. I used a Graco as a guide for this one.

Anonymous said...

i can't figure out how the straps are fastened? i see large buttons, but no buttonholes. velcro?? i would like to make this for my daughter's baby, but just can't seem to figure out the strap part!!

cally said...

Hi Anonymous, I used my Diaper Strap Tutorial to make the straps. Here is the link:


I used velcro to close them, yes - the button is just for decoration. I have seen some people just use twill tape for the straps that they sew on and just tie in bows over the car seat handle.

Let me know if you have more questions!

Anonymous said...

I was reading about keeping it covered when windy....I wonder if making a couple coordinating straps with clips on both ends would work. When it's windy, just clip the ends of the cover from front to bottom under the carrier, and no more blowing around. When not needed, they could just clip to the cover for a little added weight.


Jennifer said...

I just started making one! It is super easy thanks to your tutorial and I even had to piece together some fabric pieces... I didn't have a piece wide enough. Thank you so much! Now I just have to sew the straps and hem the edges. My little one is due in January. :)

Anonymous said...

The only problem I had is the center 25in width. There is about a 4 inch gap on each side where I am afraid the wind will get in. I would probably increase that center piece to 32 or 33inches.

Anonymous said...

I love your fabric choices! Thanks so much for sharing!


find.joy.in.living said...

Love this! I usually make everyone baby blankets...Yet this is a great alternative!!

Unknown said...

This looks great. Another tip for those in windy areas: you can sew in a seam of elastic so the blanket holds onto the carseat.

Unknown said...

I just made mine! However, instead of using straps used ribbon so all you have to do is tie a bow on the carseat "bar."

Becky said...

I just made one using your Pattern- thanks!! I love it! http://www.mydomesticdesign.com/2013/03/carseat-blanket.html

tal said...

hi- the original pic looks exactly like one i saw in this book: http://www.amazon.com/Baby-Times-Handmade-Treasures-Mom/dp/1607054434

by abbey lane quilts.
baby times has a lot of cute, super easy patterns for all things baby and mama :)

Unknown said...

Thank you for the tutorial! It was easy for a beginner like me! See my infant carseat cover at my blog! www.tannfootsteps.blogspot.com.

Kate Moore said...

Hi! My name is Kate and I found this via Pinterest. I love it! I fits the carseat SO well with no bunching on the sides for air to get in. I'm going to the store today to pick out fabric for a lightweight one, and fabric for a more wintery one, maybe with minky on the back? Who knows. Thank you so much for sharing this! I'm due in two weeks with my third girl. I am a beginner in the sewing dept so hopefully I don't mess it up too badly... lol

Anonymous said...

Hello! I know I'm a few years behind but I just wanted to say that I LOVE this tutorial! I made one of these with the patchwork design for a friend of mine and she loved it! I have three more pregnant friends so I better get to work on making their's! Thank for taking the time to make this tutorial! It's easy to follow and the finished product was way better than I expected (considering my sewing skills). Thank again!

Anonymous said...

All right ladies, a little medical info for you with these covers. Need to allow some air flow so baby won't rebreathe the carbon dioxide. These are wonderful coverings. I am going to make one for my next shower gift.

Liza said...

You are one talented lady! This is such an excellent idea. Thank you so much. I am a first time Granny & will for sure make a cover for our little one with your wonderful tutorial! Many thanks. you are a star.

best infant car seat said...

Nice! XD Really useful! Working on it right after i post this comment! :D:D! Awesome share! Please keep making more posts like this in the future!

John Albert said...

This is an awesome idea liza thanks for share i will definitely try this for my little one!
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Joseph said...

Oh my goodness, this looks amazing! It looks really hard to do though, was it hard?
My wife having a baby in February and was given some brand new, but totally not my style, carseat and stroller.

Chomiron said...

Awesome post! The best car seat is the safest car seat that is capable of fitting in your vehicle rear facing. Rear facing is the safest method of travel for every one of all ages.

Unknown said...

I am very impress on your information ,Its a really very impressive blog. I really got some another very nice information , so thanks for sharing these tips.
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Alicanta Knits said...
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Alicanta Knits said...

Hi! I love this pattern and just drafted the paper version. Thank you for sharing it. I'm making this for a couple of friends who are having babies (both first time mothers; one is having twins!; we're all so excited)... All babies are due in spring/summer later this year (I'm in the southern hemisphere). I'm wondering if the cover will be too heavy lined? Did you line yours? Do you think lining would be more appropriate for winter babies perhaps? Does it matter? Thanks in advance! -Catalina.

Sam.R said...

My sister in law is having a baby , maybe this would be a good gift for her! homemade
Thanks for the idea

Unknown said...

I just made mine for our baby arriving later this year. Wish I knew how to post pictures. Thank you for this beautiful tutorial


Unknown said...

This is an awesome idea liza thanks for share i will definitely try this for my little one!


Unknown said...

This looks great. Another tip for those in windy areas: you can sew in a seam of elastic so the blanket holds onto the carseat.


Unknown said...

A lady in the grocery store asked me if I was sure my little guy was breathing 'cause the carseat was covered. Huh? Yes, I'm sure, thanks for your concern. ;) As usual your tutorial is so easy to follow and the result is exquisite.


Unknown said...

i can't figure out how the straps are fastened? i see large buttons, but no buttonholes. velcro?? i would like to make this for my daughter's baby, but just can't seem to figure out the strap part!!


Unknown said...

Wonderful! Exactly what I was looking for!


Unknown said...

Nice Post..Thanks for sharing
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