
mothers week on sparkle power.

One thing I love about Mother's Day is the positive mom inspiration spread all over blog land. This is the week we get all sentimental about our jobs and our kids, and throw it everywhere. I love it. It's like blasphemy to complain during Mother's week.

One such place I've enjoyed this week has been Candace's blog, sparkle power.

She's invited a handful of mom bloggers to share their feelings about motherhood this week, and it's been great. Candace is very real, which I like. She asked if I could contribute, and I kept waiting for her to send me another email politely retracting her invitation once she realized that I really don't know what I'm talking about. But she didn't, and I'm grateful to be included.


  1. I read your post at sparkle power and it was beautiful.

    Your words are what are written across my own heart as a mother of 5 daughters, "I'm grateful for 5 opportunities to love completely. And for tomorrows, so I can do it again."

    Lovely mother's day post. You have certainly gained a fan!

  2. Beautiful reminder Cally! You have a beautiful way with words.

  3. i found your blog from sparkle power. wow! i was taken in with the beauty of your pictures and words-- plus laughed out loud a few times. thanks for sharing your wonderful blog!

  4. You at sparkle power made me a little teary...

    Happy Mother's Day Cally!

  5. Thank you for your post on Sparkle Power. Wow, your words really made me stop and think. Such a beautiful way to think of each day. Thank you and have a wonderful Mother's day.

  6. oh cally-
    that was just perfect.

    i've had some conversations this week about motherhood that have been disheartening to me. mothers who do not enjoy their children. mothers who are searching for the purpose in the everyday. these conversations have broken my heart, but also made me so thankful for friends that are kindred spirits. moms who love to be with their children. moms who find treasures in their days of sameness. moms who eagerly wake up to a new day. not saying this is every moment. we all have our moments, but just the overall ability to - enjoy.

    thanks for sharing your heart in this essay/post. i love what you have to say all the time, but this just reminded me of why i was drawn to your blog in the first place. you are a mama that loves being with your children- and it shows!
