
you know,

it's okay not to make 80 crafty valentines when they're happy with Phineas & Ferb from a box.

I watched way more than 2 hours of tv a day and had the movie Grease memorized before I was 10.

I look funny with big earrings.

I drag my feet when I walk on the carpet to make fake vaccum marks.

I like high fructose corn syrup.


  1. Love Grease. Love, LOVE it.
    Didn't realize until way, way later in life--like after I was married and hadn't seen it in ten years--that the lyrics I knew by heart might not be so appropriate for the church gatherings where I used to sing solo. (Word to the young--don't recite lyrics in public unless you know what they mean.)
    And still, I love it.

  2. I literally laughed out loud about you dragging your feet on the carpet. Best tip I've read all week - pure genius :)

    Have a fabulous weekend!

  3. LOVE high fructose corn syrup. And it hates me. I have asked myself one hundred times why it has to be so bad for me...

  4. You are quite the girl and I like you.


  5. Oh Cally, what a great idea. Drag your feet to make vacume marks. That is hysterical.

    I soooo remember, In fact I think the first time I ever saw Grease, was when you guys lived in Denver and you had it video'd. Loved It.

    your my sweet little valentine niece.

  6. Yup Kari. It came on tv a while ago and I made my husband stop to watch it with me...during "you're the one that I want" at the carnival and he was like..."this is horrible Cally. You used to watch this?!" And I did. many times. And never knew it was so bad. but it is.

    You're funny.

  7. My dog is named Zuko. After Danny Zuko, of Grease. I recently posted pictures of him because he just turned one year old!

    And I just decided that I will start dragging my feet too.

  8. Everyone should know "you're the one that I want"

  9. I remember sitting on your front swing in Denver, and sing summer lovin until the sun went down!!! those were the day's!!!!

  10. Amen to the valentines. I realized they don't have to something crafty...they won't appreciate it, and it was not a good use of my time. We don't have carpet...but if we ever put it in again, great tip!

  11. I can't stop laughing thinking about the vacumn marks. Too funny!

  12. I am still laughing. Fake vaccum marks!!! This was great :)

  13. Haha! This is cracking me up. Especially the part about dragging your feet...haha! Still laughing! Great stuff!

  14. that second one, about tv and grease, that was me. thanks to my lock-key kid syndrome i am a pro at 80's and 90's pop culture. something to be proud of!

  15. You are my kind of girl!! I was excited to share Grease with my girls and was SHOCKED when I heard the lyrics again. I guess we were way innocent back then .....

  16. It is things like this Cally that bring back such fond memories of when we were young you ROCK!!!

  17. um... can we be friends? I I like the way you think.

  18. I chuckled outloud about the valentine's (yes...I have been in a funk and am just now catching up). I had webbed fingers for days from spray mount used in doing 60-something handmade, personalized valentine's and both boys bring home boxes of the little foldover, write their name on them kinda cards and I questioned my sanity. I do it because i like to make things that i would like to receive. i like to be creative and artsy fartsy...but do they really care? nah. lol
