
Whatever. by Meg Duersken

I came to the computer for bizness purposes, and I was somehow crazily un-biznessly led to this blog. I don't know how I got here. but I can't stop.

I am in love with her house.
I think she's going to invite me over soon.

And her photography.
And check out her 365. Color and life everywhere.

I'd like to live in her blog. Or just her house.

I'm going to pack.


  1. Ack. I love it! (Posting on Kirtsy.com!)

  2. I've got my bags packed. When are we going?

  3. just waitin' for the call, Donna.

  4. oh man! i saw her girl's room on oh dee doh. and i totally stole her giant bold READ and framed book covers. seriously. it's in my kid's room right now just as proud as can be. forcing them to read.
